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January 7, 2025

Why Baptists Believe What Baptists Believe - Introduction


Why Baptists Believe What Baptists Believe



Hello, I’m Chris Mountain. I’m the Bible teacher. I have this new video series out called “Why Baptists Believe What Baptists Believe.” Just a little background about this series and the story behind it…

I asked people in my class several years ago, “What would you like to study?” They told me they wanted a basic doctrines class. We had a lot of people that had come from other denominations and they just wanted to know for sure what we Baptists believed. Now, we are NOT talking about some of our traditional practices like not drinking or dancing or things like that. We are talking about key doctrinal issues.

With that, I put together this study for them. I used several resources. The first, obviously, is the Bible itself. That is always a good place to start. What does God’s word have to say about it? A second resource was the Baptist Faith and Message, last updated in the year 2000. I quote frequently from it throughout this series. A third resource has been in my library for years. It has been helpful in my own Christian growth. It is the “Ten Basic Steps Toward Christian Maturity,” which was put out by Campus Crusade for Christ in the 70s. I just like the way they organize the various topics.

I put together the class from these various resources and combined them with my own personal experience as a lifelong Baptist. I’ve taught this class several times through the years in different churches. And the response has always been positive.

The audio you hear and the Power Points you see in the videos was taken from our Level Ground Class back in the summer of 2021. Each class session was about an hour long. So, for this video series I broke the lessons down into 10- to 25-minute segments. That makes the videos a lot easier to watch.

As part of this class I put together a packet of questions which served as an outline. They also created more interest and prompted more discussion. Each of the 35 videos in this series has a corresponding set of questions that goes with them. I’d encourage you to download the questions before you watch the videos. That is completely up to you, though. Video 1 corresponds with Questions Part 1; Video 2 with Questions Part 2, and so forth.

Well anyway, I hope you enjoy the videos series and that they are helpful for you to see why we Baptists believe the way we do. I defend our various beliefs in this series. Doctrinally, I think we got it right!

One last thing… The intro music you hear in the videos, “Are You Saved?” was recorded by a band from a Baptist church I attended in the 1990s. They called themselves “Harmony Express” and they were from Loveland, Colorado. I know several of the band members of the band personally.

Well, that is all I have. Enjoy the video series.


Intro Lesson

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